Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11th

6-11-05 was 5 years ago today. To most of you it was just another day. It had been raining on and off for like a week straight and the skies had been gray and gloomy. However, that Saturday afternoon was beautiful! For my lovely wife and I it was the first day of the rest of our married life together. It is one of those things that seems like yesterday, but also seems like a lifetime ago. We had different jobs, different cars, a different house, no kids and were so full of gusto for so many things. Five years later and virtually everything has changed. Together we've owned 8 different cars or so. We've decorated and re-decorated houses, we've landscaped and re-landscaped 2 yards, and now we are 2/3 of the way through pregnancy #2. Had you asked me to predict where I would be today 5 yrs. ago I don't know what I would have said, I'm quite certain it would have been different from where we're at, but that's not to say it's a bad thing. Everything I have ever wanted the Good Lord has provided me. He hasn't necessarily provided it immediately when I wanted it or exactly how I thought it would be, but I have everything I could ever ask for and so much more. To say Michelle is my rock, is an understatement...she is my mountain! A loving wife, a gentle mother and a talented career woman. She is in so many ways everything I wish I was and hope our children will be. Shell, you have made my life worth living, and together we can tackle whatever life hits us with.



1 comment:

ShelliGib said...

Love you! Just wrote a similar post!