Friday, April 23, 2010

How the other 1/2 of 1% lives

Private hangar with multiple jets waiting to go!

How about a fleet of private jets all painted to match!

Look at the gloss on those floors!

Must be rough!

Makes you want to be top brass...

How about a little cardio in between flights? Go ahead stretch your legs!

A little nostalgia on the walls for your entertainment.

Take a load off, watch the game, you've got time before your flight.

Those public parking garages are always so full and so far away.

On a cold night, sit by the fire and flip through a good book.

Or...why not have a few cocktails at your private fully stocked bar?
All photos were taken in Omaha,NE. I thought I would share these for the sake of doing so. Perhaps the next time you're stuck with the sheep waiting for a late flight with your "C" boarding pass for a Southwest flight, you can dream a little. Having flown privately a few times in my life, I will say this..."It's good...real GOOD!" To my kids: Work hard in school and the world could be yours!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter = Rebirth

These statements don't seem too far from reality anymore, do they?

Are these scenes from our Nation's past long forgotten?

Well, it's been a couple weeks since Easter and I have been thinking. Easter for Western civilization is supposed to be the rebirth of our faith and a time for rejoicing. However, it seems to me that the Wal-Marts of the world are trying hard to boost Easter as much as possible in to the realm of Christmas with the commercialization of it. That topic is one for another day though...

Today my thoughts are on the meaning of Easter, and no not to beat the religion drum with too much fervor, but to simply give reverance to it and take a look at it for what it really is...a rebirth. In the latter part of the year we plan out things that we hope to change about ourselves or our lives. However, how many of us can even remember what we pledged to change for 2010? I know that I witness it every year as the gym I go to becomes fattened(pardon the pun) with new members seeking to lose a few pounds or garner health and wellness. The gym though isn't a past-time that can come and go, if you want it to make a difference in your life anyways. I say this because this is one area of my life that I have somewhat under control, and it hasn't always been easy, especially since the birth of our son, Angelo. Getting there has taken sacrifice and will-power. There are countless other places in my life where I need a LOT of help. I believe that all of us have our wife Michelle is organized in every thing she does in life and has work ethic like no other.

The challenge that I propose is for all of us to look at Easter as a rebirth, but not one marked by foolish promises, but actions as nation. Let's assume responsibility for everything we do and don't do and begin the painful process of cutting away the fat that is destroying our nation. I'm really not trying to sound political, but if folks take it that way than so be it. I am quite simply and honestly appalled, sick, disgusted, etc. at the sentiments of so many in our country. The sense of entitlement that I witness on a daily basis is revolting. From the abuse of the wellfare and unemployment programs to the absurd pensions of public employees that are bankrupting our cities and ultimately our nation, it's everywhere. It's in our house as well! Remember when you were a kid and you had one TV in the whole house? We have 3 plus 2 DVD players in my wife's car! Remember when your parents bought used cars from Grandparents, in-laws, etc? We have an '09 and a '10! I'm not saying that I don't want the best for my family or your family, but I think as a whole we're a little(read A LOT) out of control. When I was a teenager and wanted(had to have) various STUFF, my Mother always told me a couple of things, that were so damn annoying I could scream, but nevertheless true.
1. You obviously don't know the value of a dollar yet...
2. It's so good to have wants.

As individuals, as families, as cities and as a Nation...Let's try to control our wants! Until then, I guess I'll have to deal with pukey 20somethings driving Range Rovers, drinking $11 martinis and wearing $250 jeans all while earning $28K a year! Entitled!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Bug" Time

Well folks, it's that time of year again..."Bug" season. You may be wondering what that means, to which I will provide a brief explanation. "Bug" season is similar to that of allergies or other seasonal disorders that affect us, however there are no pills that will alleviate the itchings of this malady. What I am referring to is the season of the year that inspires men to go after things. Depending on the man's interests, the items will vary...for a fisherman/hunter this will consist of constant catalog browsing of new gear, and probably the purchase of a new rod and reel or a few new flies or lures(don't ask me, the last time I cast a rod was in the 80's!).

For other men this time may inspire them to invest in much needed(honest dear) new power equipment to accomplish home improvement tasks(or so we tell our wives). However for me(and my good friend Scott who coined the term "bug") this season is not only new power equipment and a new pair of running shoes. No this season marks the beginning of gasoline powered lust for us and many others who suffer our ailment. The condition begins each year with the first sightings of sports cars freshly shined and awakened from their winter slumber. Some of these beasts have large V8 powerplants shaking the earth and reflecting Spring's flowers in their chrome clad wheels, bumpers and pipes. Others rudely interrupt the tweet-tweet of birds clamoring to build a nest with a shrieking exhaust note inherent to a small displacement engine of a highly tuned nature.

Indeed this is the time of year when it all begins for us. Each year every dealer and purveyor of motorsports goods must be visited whether in person or online to determine what the new "must-have" wares are. You see, this is the only way that this need can be satiated. Countless internet searches and a process of rationalization for the need will happen systematically. For me the process begins silently and progresses through a number of stages after the initial object of desire is selected. the process usually culminates with a non-chalant mention to Michelle of a new vehicle en-route in a few days. Her initial reaction is what you would expect, but then subsides to a disgruntled shoulder shrug. This year I am on the down cycle of one of these spontaneous purchases, as I just sold my last toy. That's not to say that the spring air hasn't inspired me, but the pending arrival of our 2nd child has pushed me back a little. For now I must be content w/ a new set of shoes for my truck. Finally, I wish to offer special thanks to my loving wife Michelle for dealing with me and all of my vehicular needs/fantasies, she's always great and as understanding as a wife could be!